
Pistachio Yoga

5206 N Damen AvenueChicago, IL 60625
Phone: 773-219-0409Email: hello@pistachioyoga.comWebsite: Visit Website Google Map


Parents & Caregivers, Babies, & Kids up to preschool age

Finding it difficult to make time to exercise at home with your new baby or toddler running around?  Bring your little munchkins to the studio for an opportunity to tune in, breathe mindfully, and practice some yoga as your children do their own thing or try their own variation of down dog beside you. For new moms, poses will also be introduced that interact with and entertain baby, so allow yourself to do something good for your body and meet a great group of people going through all the same excitement and challenges you are facing as parents while you continue to grow your yoga practice. Though class is not overly strenuous, we recommend getting your midwife or doctor's approval prior to practicing yoga postpartum.

Wednesdays at 10:15 am

Register for a session here: