
St. Benedict Preparatory School

3901 N Bell Ave.Chicago, IL 60618
Phone: 773-539-0066Email: afoster@stbenedict.comWebsite: Visit Website Google Map

Get to know the St. Benedict Prep Preschool building, teachers and programs by joining twice a week for our Bengal Cubs classes.  

Our experienced preschool teacher will welcome 2 year olds and their caregiver into one of our preschool classrooms with a chance to explore the room, our playground, and our gross motor room, as well. Each session will include open play, circle time, playground time, arts and crafts and music and movement classes with our music and PE teachers.  

Join us for one, two or all three sessions this school year!

Business Review

"We entered Bengal Cubs with a shy, timid, two-year-old and 6 months later have an inquisitive, talkative toddler. Our daughter has learned so many skills (numbers, colors, animals, singing, dancing, etc) from the class and now seeks out other kids to play with. We can’t say enough about Ms. Smith as she’s a true joy to our child. We recommend Bengal Cubs to anyone considering the class."
- Allison B., Bengal Cubs Parent

"I’ve seen my daughter and her Bengal Cub classmates grow socially, emotionally, and academically. It’s great that she’s getting familiar with the preschool before she attends next year and forming friendships with her classmates. This class is one of my daughter’s favorite outings of the week!"
- Shelly R., Bengal Cubs Parent